Tucson Bird Alliance field trips at Rio Vista usually are scheduled for the third weekend of the month, usually on Saturdays. Information is available on the Tucson Audubon Society / Tucson Bird Alliance website, through which registration is managed. Tucson Bird Alliance members receive priority for registration.

The list below notes the species observed on birding field trips at Rio Vista conducted by Tucson Audubon Society (now Tucson Bird Alliance) between May and November 2024. Leaders were Gary Bachman and Scott Olmstead. The observations were of birds seen within the park and surrounding properties, including in the Rillito and in the air. Most observations were by sight; some were based on calls or songs. Most field trips were held between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. The observations are compiled on eBird and do not include other eBird lists submitted for the same location. This is not a complete list of birds found in the park. For instance, it does not include owls or nighthawks or other birds not typically seen in the morning. However, the eBird bar chart lists all species observed at the park and provides an indication of what you might expect to see in any given month.

This list will help park visitors to be aware of the seasonal and permanent residents that they might observe, as well as the more common residents and unusual visitors. 

Cooper’s Hawk. Photo credit: Scott Olmstead.

Table 1. List of species observed on various dates between May and November 2024. Note that the value in parentheses indicates the total number of species observed during that trip.

11-May (31)15-Jun (12)13-Jul (22)21-Sep (32)19-Oct (36)16-Nov (22)
Gambel’s Quailx
Rock Pigeon (feral)xxxx
White-winged Dovexxxx
Mourning Dovexxxxx
Greater Roadrunnerxx
White-throated Swiftx
Anna’s Hummingbirdxxxxx
Black-chinned Hummingbirdxx
Costa’s Hummingbirdxxx
Broad-billed Hummingbirdxxx
Cooper’s Hawkxxxxxx
Red-tailed Hawkxxxx
Gila Woodpeckerxxxxxx
Ladder-backed Woodpeckerxxxxx
American Kestrelxx
Gray Flycatcherx
Say’s Phoebexxx
Western Flycatcherx
Vermilion Flycatcherxxxxx
Ash-Throated Flycatcherxx
Brown-crested Flycatcherxx
Loggerhead Shrikex
Bell’s Vireo (Arizona)xx
Violet-green Swallowx
Barn Swallowx
Ruby-crowned Kingletx
Black-tailed Gnatcatcherxxxx
House Wren (northern)x
Bewick’s Wrenx
Northern Mockingbirdx
Common Ravenx
European Starlingxx
House Sparrowxxxxx
House Finchxxxxxx
Lesser Goldfinchxxxxx
Lawrence’s Goldfinchxx
Rufous-winged Sparrowxx
Chipping Sparrowx
Brewer’s Sparrowxx
Black-throated Sparrowx
Lark Sparrowxx
White-crowned Sparrowxx
Savannah Sparrowxx
Abert’s Toweexxxxxx
Brown-headed Cowbirdxxx
Great-tailed Gracklexxx
Lucy’s Warblerxxx
Orange-crowned Warblerxx
Yellow Warbler (northern)x
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s)xx
Black-throated Gray Warblerx
Wilson’s Warblerx
Lazuli Buntingx