Tucson Parks and Recreation’s Next Steps for the Rio Vista Master Plan

On Friday, Tucson Parks and Recreation project manager Tom Fisher sent us a copy of a PowerPoint presentation on next steps for implementation of the Rio Vista master plan. He asked us to share it with stakeholders, and we’ve attached it here for you.

One of the inviting trails that lead visitors into urban nature at Rio Vista. Photo credit: Scott Olmstead.

Tucson Parks has hired contractors to prepare a site plan for trail modifications in the park. Friends of Rio Vista is advocating for a comprehensive trail-network design. Such a design would involve broad stakeholder engagement and would prevent further damage to the park’s ecological values while enriching visitors’ experience of nature. We’ll keep you posted on developments.

Meanwhile, if you have comments on the PowerPoint overview (especially on the Next Steps section on page 5), please send them directly to Tom Fisher. We’d be grateful if you’d also copy them to us at FriendsofRioVistaNRP@gmail.com. If you think that the Rio Vista community should be directly involved in decisions on the trail network, please let Tom know. Thank you!