Speak Up Now for Rio Vista’s Trail Network

The trail system at Rio Vista Natural Resource Park is about to change. Would you like to have a voice in where the park’s trails will go and how they’ll be used for many years to come?

Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus): one of the star attractions of the Rio Vista trail network. Photo credit: Linda Agen.

As part of the implementation of the Rio Vista master plan, Tucson Parks and Recreation has hired consultants to propose a revision of the trail network. The consultants have drafted maps that suggest trails to be designated primary and secondary, rogue paths to close, modifications to trail surfaces, and rainscaping.

Friends of Rio Vista has advocated for the involvement of stakeholders—like you—in plans for changing the trail network. Tucson Parks has agreed that we can share the draft maps with you and can ask for your feedback.

Because our mission is to protect and enhance the ecological values of Rio Vista, Friends also is partnering with Tucson Audubon Society to get their recommendations for a trail system that benefits the park’s wild communities as well as its human visitors. Their first-phase recommendations are twofold: a birding / wildlife-viewing loop based on existing trails in the natural area and an interpretive trail on the developed west side of the park.

We know that the conservation of nature at Rio Vista is close to your heart. Please translate your love of the park into action by reviewing the draft trail maps and then taking a survey. This survey offers the option of open-ended comments in addition to specific questions about the proposed trail network and modifications.

The deadline for submitting your response is Wednesday August 2. The survey should take less than 10 minutes of your time to complete.

Remember: This may be our last opportunity to influence the shape and function of Rio Vista’s trail system for at least a generation. Please don’t let that chance pass you by. And don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions: FriendsofRioVistaNRP@gmail.com.